Lincoln, NE -- October 19, 2019
Not yet dark, but it's getting there
The security at the arena in Lincoln, Nebraska is the most stringent I have encountered, but it was business as normal for the majority of fans who have been coming here for several years. My friend and I could not bring in our purses and no photos were allowed inside even before the show began. We were treated to 2 songs with Bob on guitar, both the opener Beyond Here Lies Nothin', and the 2nd one, It's all over, Baby Blue. It appeared to be a different instrument than the white Fender he played previously. The rest of the set was the same but with the songs being a little longer and showcasing the considerable talent of his new band. Also his upright piano was painted in black and didn't need tuning, so perhaps it was a different instrument also. The piano was at the far right of the stage setup, and Bob played most of the set standing at the piano or center stage, so all of the audience could see him. Students were on a " fall break" so many probably went home for the long weekend. Most of the young people I saw appeared to be with their parents or grandparents. Still the crowd was happy and respectful. On 1 side of me was a couple from Omaha who loved the show, and on the other side was a woman who played Calamity Jane in Deadwood South Dakota and drove 9 hours to see Bob. He seemed to like singing and playing harmonica center stage, and facing the audience fully lit and hatless and it was great to see the real Bob at last. For people who have been disappointed in his live performances in years past, I highly recommend seeing him in 2019!